In a bid to transform Football in the country, Football Association of Malawi President, Fleetwood Haiya, has revealed plans to introduce National Football Tribunal Court which will look at all Football related matters in 2025.
Haiya said this on Friday as he was celebrating his first 365 days at the Association at the Bingu International Convention Center in Lilongwe.
He said this will help people to have their issues solved faster than in industrial Courts and also in a Football related way.
"In terms of governance, we are planning to introduce a National Football Tribunal Court. This is to make sure that all Football related matters should not go to industrial Courts and courts outside Football and also help those with cases to have their cases solved in a Football related way and also fast." Said Haiya.
He also said that in 2025, they will also review the structures of Women's Football so that they help in the development of the sport
Titumizanso. Pepani poyamba inakanika kutumiza koma sitinadziwe. Yatheka pano!
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